Honoring and Supporting Teachers in Indonesia

Every year on November 25, the students of Indonesia celebrate Teacher’s Day to show respect to the dedicated men and women who provide them with an education. Through the generosity of the Tanoto Foundation, a number of under-resourced teachers in Indonesia now have the opportunity to further their own educations.
Thanks to the Tanoto Teacher Scholarships Program, over 70 Indonesian teachers have received funding to pay for continuing education, which will enable them to achieve official certification and eligibility to join the ranks of the country’s civil service corps. Currently, at least half of the teachers in Indonesia can be considered unqualified under government standards, due to lack of higher education or other factors. Particularly in rural areas, an individual may have been working as an honorarium-based teacher for many years without extensive formal education. While such instructors can provide care and support to students, they often lack the training necessary to prepare children to succeed in today’s technology-based world. The Tanoto program makes scholarships available to teachers in Jambi, Riau, and North Sumatra who otherwise would not have been able to further their own dreams while continuing to assist their students.
Teachers in Indonesia who received help through the program, which is administered through the efforts of Indonesian entrepreneur Sukanto Tanoto and his family, have spoken with gratitude about the fact that they are now empowered to become better and more effective sources of information for their students. They are also poised to achieve their own personal goals for a more stable professional life through participation in the civil service system.
Throughout the world, a number of countries acknowledge, through celebration of a designated Teacher’s Day, the significant contributions teachers make toward creating a more positive future for children and students of all ages. Thanks to the efforts of teachers through the years, societies are able to transmit their cultural heritages from one generation to the next, and students are able to become informed, productive members of society.
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